Only 9 weeks until the Keys 100. At this point reality has hit me, with only 6 or 7 weeks of real training left, I can see that my lack of conditioning from last year will be a factor. I'm not worried about finishing, there's plenty of time for that, but I know it's going to be tough and I'm going to have to concentrate really hard on keeping myself running.
I'd like to finish the race without going into a second day, or at least not very far into the second day. This coming week I start my heat training, in the sauna and steam room. I will only have a 50 mile per week base going into the Keys but I have to look at it as a training run to build on my endurance. I still have several races this year to help me get back to where I need to be for another Badwater in 2011.
It's spring but nothing is green yet. Another month before things green up and I can start planting in the yard. I have a rock garden out front that I started last fall. I'm waiting for the perennials to arrive in the local nurseries.
Oh sheet! and I thought I had a back yard full! OMG!
Two dogs, a dozen or so bags of dog food, 1/4 acre, and 5 months of winter.
It's all done now! Happy spring!
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