Fifty easy miles this week, two sauna sessions, and I'm toast. I need to get used to this feeling of fatigue, it's going to be a fact of life until I start my taper in June . I got a lucky break tonight, was supposed to work a night shift and it was slow so I was able to go home.
This week was uneventful. I worked and ran. I did a short run Thursday, an easy 20 mile run Friday, and 15 today where I was dragging. I was so tired, gravity wasn't helping me on the downhill stretches at Horsetooth.
I finally got to run with the Thursday night group again, it's been a long time since I had a free Thursday night. The wind was pounding us with howling gusts, the kind that knock you off your feet. It was just me, Tom, Doug and Michael, and we stuck close to the shadow of the foothills, otherwise, the dust could sandblast your skin off! Good training for Badwater! I was wishing I had my swim goggles. I used to wear those in duststorms when I was running in Arizona. They work!
I am trying to rest up a bit before next week. I plan on doing back to back long days, 80 to 100 miles total. Sounds like I'll have some company, which is awesome. Doug might be able to run with me both days. We'll see how many miles he decides to do. This Badwater training, it's addictive. I probably should have warned him before he started running with me. Today he was talking about possibly signing up for a 48 hour run sometime.
I'm sure I wasn't hallucinating.
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