Scatter my ashes here...

Scatter my ashes here...
scatter my ashes in the desert...

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Ultra is What I Do Best

Unlike the other day when I took the picture of my guardian squirrel, right now it's snowing outside the woman cave as I write this. Not very motivating weather. I am proud to say I have run for three days in a row now. Haven't been out to run yet today and this blogpost is just another procrastination strategy. I really do need to get out there. I hate to interrupt my streak...

I've been working on talking with people, social media, spreading the word, putting some finishing touches on the website for the big launch of Cancer Harbors on Monday.

I was interviewed on a podcast, this time about nursing, listen if you're interested. It's been nearly two and a half years since I left the hospital and a lot has happened and I've come a long way. Every day is still full of learning and uncertainty, but I keep pushing ahead. It's an ultra, and ultra is what I do best.

Last night I ran with Wheaties Boy again and we talked marketing strategy. He put my mind somewhat more at ease with some things I've struggled with. It was raining and he was in shorts, I was bundled up in winter clothes. Now it's snowing but not sticking to the ground. Spring in Colorado is always interesting.

If I can somehow get brave enough to go in the house, change into running clothes, and get out, even for a half hour, I will feel so good. I should get my butt out of the vortex and go!

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