Scatter my ashes here...

Scatter my ashes here...
scatter my ashes in the desert...

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Forty-six degrees this morning! As much as I like hot weather, I'm ready for a break.

I am now at the end of 3 weeks of an 8 week layoff from running. I have to say I don't miss it yet. I have been cycling and painting. Going out to lunch or on bike rides with friends I haven't seen. Going for bike rides with Dennis. Going up to the cabin with Dennis and playing with the dogs. Dusting.


You never realize it until you move things around how much dust accumulates over time. I had to take all the paintings off the walls when we had our roof done. I thought of my brother, cleaning up after the haboob in Phoenix.

Running and training all the time, to the exclusion of most everything else, creates haboobs in your life. It's only when you stop and shake things up that you see so much dust everywhere.

I've been telling people that I've been off running for three weeks and I haven't hurt anybody yet. But really I am okay with it.

I started physical therapy, and that is some work. It hurts after I do those exercises, standing on a pillow and balancing on my bad ankle. It will be worth it though, even if it takes months. I have to work hard at this, since it takes a lot of stress to make my ankle hurt. Most people would be happy that their ankle only hurts after 40 or 50 minutes of running. But for me, I'm not even warmed up!

Painting has been great. I haven't worked on anything serious, just warming up by playing with cactus and colors and seeing where that takes me. I have some paintings in the local Senior Center this fall.

I'm having fun on the bikes, exploring some new rides. I hope that once the weather changes and it gets cold on the bike I'll be able to run enough to keep me challenged. Riding a bike indoors for hours is something I don't particularly enjoy. There's always deep water running too, which isn't much more exciting than riding a bike on a trainer.

It is such a nice break, it helps me clear my mind and get re-centered. As important as running is to me, it's a good reminder to stay well-rounded. There is so much to enjoy in life besides just running!

Everyone asks me, when's your next race? I don't have anything on the horizon. I am not planning anything at all through the end of this year. I'm looking at doing some of my own adventures next year, planning them myself or with some friends, instead of doing a lot of races. As far as racing, I am looking at some sort of multiday fixed time event toward the end of 2012, probably Across the Years.

If I enter any shorter races, they will be close to home, inexpensive and easy to plan for, most likely some 100-ish mile runs or a 24 hour run. I might even jump in a 50 miler or 100K at some point, if I find something new and interesting. I just want to have fun, see some different places, and think about what's next. I'm looking ahead at 2013 and 2014 and preparing for that more than anything. I'd like to do something big to celebrate my 50th birthday.

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