Today when I woke up, I knew I needed to go to the track and blow out some carbon. I did 10 miles at the track, mostly easy running, but I did do two one-mile repeats. I took it easy and didn't try to push the pace, with each 400 meter lap I tried to increase the pace slightly. I did them in 6:57 and 6:52. Not bad for someone approaching the fossil lite age group!
The miles weren't very hard, and it felt good to run faster. But after the second one my legs felt pretty tired so I took it easy and then did a few faster laps mixed into my easy running where I did sub-7 minute mile pace for just a lap at a time.
After the run I went to Runner's Roost to order a few things I'll need to take with me to Death Valley. Steve, Larry and Bill at the Roost are so good about helping me find what I need and supporting my ultra habits. I'm pretty sure I am the most frequent shoe buyer right now. I'm getting about 3 weeks out of a pair of shoes these days.
I ordered two big containers of unflavored Heed, and checked out the reflective vests, LED lights, gel flasks (for Slim Fast!) and started making my final shopping list for gear before I leave in July. I'll be getting two more pairs of shoes in addition to the new ones I'm about to break in tomorrow, I need to get everything broken in before Badwater.
Speaking of Slim Fast, every time someone offers me junk food at work now, I think about having to drag it across Death Valley. I'm trying to curtail the crap I eat.
After my track workout, Dennis & I went out for a 2 hour bike ride, and then I went to the sauna.
Yesterday it was slow at work and I got the day off. I did 4 miles of snail's pace running, finally took my slick tire off the back of my cross bike, went for a bike ride, did 45 minutes in the sauna and I was toast. As soon as I got home I got a good nap in, which was what I needed more than anything. It made a huge difference taking an extra day off. I never realize how tired I am until I stop.
Tomorrow I'm doing a 25 miler at Horsetooth, I will be taping my feet and taking it easy. I'll experiment more with Slim Fast and a few other foods. I'll have to overdress, the forecast is only for 89 degrees. Afterwards I'll hit the sauna and maybe have time for a nap and a bike ride. I go back to work Wednesday and Thursday, and then I'll be getting 70 or 80 miles in over the weekend. I'm planning an all day Rock Repeat run to test my foot taping technique, followed by the Estes Park Marathon on Sunday.
And then it's taper time! Then it will be the problem of what to do with all my energy. I'll have to find things to keep me out of trouble. I am sure I'll have more than enough to do just packing and getting everything ready for Death Valley.
Tapering means avoiding bedposts and poodles, more on that in a future blogpost...
p.s. Congratulations to Felix Wong on his successful finish of the Sulphur Springs 100 mile race in Ontario and Happy Birthday to Kirk Apt!
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