After a week of horrendous weather, driving rain, 30 mph wind, and still cold enough to wear too many layers, today it finally eased up during the morning, enough to run 30 miles easy on the bike path and 5 mile loop.
Friday I'd planned to do my long run but I got called from work and offered double time, and it has to be really nasty outside for me to choose work over running, even with the extra carrot. I worked a 12 hour shift and then paid for it Saturday, I was exhausted. I don't generally like to do long runs the day before I go back to work because I get too hungry and I'm usually tired. But I had no choice at this point.
The 30 miles went by like nothing, I didn't even feel tired when I was done, so that's a good thing. I did have to come back to the house after 13 miles and put more clothes on, I was freezing! Must be the sauna. My hair is drying out, too. Maybe I should get my thyroid checked just in case.
I did take a nap this afternoon, and when I woke up, the sunshine was turning to rain again. My neighbor brought a perennial over yesterday and I planted it in the rock garden. I have been meaning to go to the nursery and get more perennials but just haven't had time.
Whatever happened to the month of April? Three weeks to the Keys and I haven't even started thinking about it! I've been too busy! I need to start packing and planning what I need to bring or send to Mike in Florida before we leave. My office is a chaotic mess of piles of unorganized papers. One of these days, before summer...
I saw a Discovery Channel or Travel Channel show about running the Badwater Race and I thought of you. You are so courageous to do this race. I had no idea that running could be that hard. I just never thought about the heat and running.
Patricia, I try not to think of it as "hard", even though it is very difficult. The only way I can explain is that my awareness of my physical effort gets lost in the scenery and the intensity of the heat. I love the colors of the rocks and the mountains and sky and plants, Death Valley is one of the most beautiful places on earth in mid-summer. It is not at all a barren desert, it's alive and vibrant with color and energy. If you get a chance, look at some of the pictures in the links section of my blog, and in a July 2009 post I posted pictures after my first medical volunteer experience at the race. My brother Nathan is an outstanding photographer and his photos are posted under Death Valley Images in the links section of my blog.
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