Scatter my ashes here...

Scatter my ashes here...
scatter my ashes in the desert...

Monday, September 20, 2010

Off the Bench and Going Bad

We spent this weekend in Como, checking out the aspen leaves. This is the best time of year in Colorado, from now until November, when the days are sunny and cool, and the bugs start to disappear. Once the temperature stays close to 40 degrees at night, the bugs will be gone and I can start running at Riverbend Ponds and along the Poudre River again without breathing through my teeth.

This morning I got off the bench, ended my self-imposed sabbatical from running, and went for a nice but buggy 10 mile run along the Poudre Trail. I ran 9 minute miles, which was an effort for me. I am so used to running a slow pace that I now consider 9 minute miles an effort. I hope I can get a little speed back this fall, but I'll have to balance it with preparing to run for 48 hours.

Our kitchen table is being taken over by tomatoes. This year we got what look like mini-Roma tomatoes, too big to be grape tomatoes, but the same shape as Romas, only about half the size. Today I tried baking some lemon ginger scones which turned out to be a disaster. They tasted good but were too much like muffins. I need to go back to my cookbooks and figure out a different recipe.

I have the energy to work a few extra hours each week, which has been helpful. I have to work about 200 extra hours over the next year to pay for Badwater! I am meeting with Steph this Sunday and we will start planning for next summer. It seems like 10 months is a long time, but it goes by fast.

Time to Go Bad again.


Mike said...

Looking forward to reading about your journey back to Badwater.

Eddie said...

Hey, hope the colors are still around as I'm heading up to Aspen for a long weekend!!

Alene Gone Bad said...

Colors should still be bright this weekend.

And I am looking forward to bloging about the second journey to Badwater.

Thanks for reading!