Scatter my ashes here...

Scatter my ashes here...
scatter my ashes in the desert...

Sunday, February 17, 2008

I can't say it enough, but I can try...

Thanks to Dennis for putting up with my obsession, lack of spare energy, and neglect of domestic chores.

Thanks to Kirk for digging out all those old issues of Ultrarunning so I could send my application in with everything I needed.

Thanks to Ken and Josh for sending letters of recommendation from crewing and pacing from several years ago.

Thanks to Steph for being the most incredible organizer and on top of every little detail.

Thanks to Christopher, Renee, Nathan, and Felix for their enthusiasm and support.

Thanks to the Buffaloes for loving me unconditionally no matter how bad I smell.

1 comment:

Lisa B said...

Congratulations on getting into Badwater, Alene! Best of luck with your training. I know you will do well. I look forward to seeing you there.